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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 12/21/2007

Thursday, December 21, 2007 at 7:30 p.m
155 College Street Extension
Saybrook Point Park


Chairman, Paul Smith, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  All members were seated to vote with the exception of Brendan McKeown.


Attendant Members                                               
Paul Smith, Chairman    
Charles Sohl, Vice Chairman, ZC Representative  
Robert McIntyre, PC Representative
William Pollock, Secretary, Regular Member
Kim Gallagher, CC Representative
Charles Wehrly, Alternate Member

Brendan McKeown, Alternate Member, arrived at 7:50 p.m.

Absent Members
Robert MacDonald, EDC Representative

Attendant Staff
Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer
Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk                                                             


A.      07-015          Injun Three, LLC. (Classic Carriage Auto Wash)                  
Application to remove fill material placed on wetlands, stabilize upland bank with soil & grass, approx. 5,650 cubic yards.     
351 Boston Post Rd. (Map 42/ Lot 10-1)   Residence B-4 District
Accepted:  10/18/07, Open PH:  11/15/07, Close PH:  12/20/07  
Decision by:  2/22/07                           
ACTION:  Continue Public Hearing.

Chairman Paul Smith read into the record, a letter from Attorney Bennett asking for an extension of time for this application.  Mr. Smith made a motion to grant the extension and continue the public hearing until the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on January 17, 2008 at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion.

MOTION to continue the Public Hearing for application # 07-015, Injun Three, LLC. (Classic Carriage Auto Wash), 351 Boston Post Rd. (Map 42/ Lot 10-1) until next month’s regularly scheduled meeting to be held on Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 7:30 p.m at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College St. Ext; MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by W. Pollock.  No discussion on the motion.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0


           A.  07-016          Stuart Fairbank
           Application to expand existing shed to cover 14’ x 16’ concrete slab.  Shed to house wookworking
           181 Ingham Hill Rd. (Map 51/ Lot 8-70)
           Accepted:  11/15/07, Decision by:  1/17/08
           ACTION:  Review and Act.

Stuart Fairbanks passed out photos and discussed his plans regarding the existing concrete slab that is on his property.  The photos show the location of the slab which supports a heavy piece of equipment used for making wooden duck decoys as a hobby.  Mr. Fairbanks answered questions from the Commission members regarding his hobby and his desire to house the wood working equipment in a shed.

Kim Gallagher mentioned that the applicant should not cut or clear any vegetation from the shed area. The Commission members agreed that if Mr. Fairbanks planned to cut/clear any of the vegetation within the regulated upland area adjacent to the wetlands, he must come before the IWWC Commission with an application.

MOTION to approve application # 07-016, Stuart Fairbank, 181 Ingham Hill Rd., (Map 51/ Lot 8-70).  MADE by R. McIntyre.  SECONDED by W. Pollock.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0 
            B.  07-017          Duncan Downie
           Application to develop the site for office and warehouse use.  A small portion of the wetlands
           (0.076) will be filled to accommodate required parking.
           6 Center Road West (Map 26/ Lot 6-9)
           Accepted:  11/15/07, Decision by 1/17/08
           ACTION:  Review and Act.

Attorney David Royston discussed the application and mentioned that the 0.076 acres of wetlands on the property were previously filled between 1988 and 1995 when the area was developed under a permit to do so.  Attorney Royston also stated that the map dated 12/20/04 which is included in the application does show the established original wetland boundaries which were flagged in the mid 1990’s.

Duncan Downie was present and answered questions from the Commission regarding the property, the location of a proposed concrete bunkers that will be used to store sand, gravel and similar construction materials.  The Commission discussed the addition of a small berm constructed around the outdoor storage bunker so the stored material does not erode and flow into the wetland area.  

MOTION to approve application # 07-017, Duncan Downie, 6 Center Road West, (Map 26/ Lot 6-9) utilizing the map dated 12/20/04 with the following condition:  1.)  A  one foot high, naturally vegetated, “horse shoe” shaped berm must be constructed at the north end of the property where the gravel paved outdoor storage area is shown, generally along the 20 foot contour. MADE by R. McIntyre.  SECONDED by C. Sohl.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  W. Pollock;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  5-1-0


           A.   07-018          George Bessoni
          Application to enclose existing 2nd story deck to enlarge kitchen.
          210 Ingham Hill Rd. (Map 56/ Lot 7-21)  Residence AAA District
        ACTION:  Accept complete application; determine activity significance, request technical fees if needed.

        Chairman Paul Smith mentioned that Mr. Bessoni was injured and could not have plans available for this evening. Therefore, there is no application #07-018 before the Commission.


Chairman Paul Smith requested an amendment to the agenda under Regular Business, to add Item A, Election of Officers for the coming year, and to move the other items to B,C, D and E.

MOTION to amend agenda and add Item A.  Election of Officers under Regular Business. MADE by R. McIntyre.  SECONDED by K. Gallagher.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, C. Wehrly, W. Pollock;  OPPOSED:  none; ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0

        A.      Election of Officers

MOTION to re-elect all Commission officers to their current positions (ie.: Paul Smith – Chairman, Charles Sohl – Vice Chairman, William Pollack – Secretary).  MADE by K. Gallagher.  SECONDED by W. Pollock.  All current Commission officers agreed to continue to serve in their nominated positions.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, C. Wehrly, W. Pollock;  OPPOSED:  none; ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0

        B.     Staff Report

Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer, spoke about a memo regarding the Town ordinance on house numbering.  Mr. Smith said that the importance of house numbering should be mentioned to all new applicants coming before the Commission.

        C.     Representative & Subcommittee Reports – None
        D.     Correspondence – In Commissioner’s packets

        E.      Approval of Minutes

MOTION to accept the November 15, 2007 minutes as submitted.  MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by C. Sohl.  No discussion on the motion.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, W. Pollock, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0                                                              


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.  MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by K. Gallagher.  No discussion on the motion.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, C. Sohl, W. Pollock, K. Gallagher, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0   

                                   Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting
                                   Thursday, January 17, 2008
                                   Pasbeshauke Pavilion
                                   155 College Street Extension        
Respectfully Submitted,

Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk